Every Expert On Our Team Has A Role.


Following a stroke, individuals often face challenges such as muscle weakness, impaired coordination, balance issues, and reduced mobility. A skilled physiotherapist collaborates closely with stroke survivors to create personalized rehabilitation programs tailored to their specific needs and abilities.

They're going to help you regain movement, balance and mobility to help you feel more independent while at home!

Occupational Therapist

Occupational therapists focus on enhancing a stroke survivor's ability to independently perform essential daily activities. This may include self-care tasks such as dressing, grooming, bathing, and meal preparation. The therapist works collaboratively with the individual to adapt these activities based on their specific needs and abilities.

They're going to help you learn strategies to help you with everyday activities that are important to you in your life!

Personal Trainer

Personal trainers design strength training programs to address muscle weakness, a common issue for stroke survivors. By focusing on targeted exercises, they aim to rebuild strength, improve endurance, and enhance overall physical fitness. The trainer gradually progresses the intensity of workouts based on the survivor's capabilities.

They're going to work alongside the physio to help you gain the strength you need to improve in your recovery journey!

Speech And Language Pathologist

Stroke survivors may experience difficulties with articulation and speech clarity. SLPs design targeted exercises and speech therapy interventions to improve pronunciation, speech rhythm, and overall articulation. These activities help the survivor regain control over their vocal and speech muscles.

Some stroke survivors speech is affected or altered with a stroke. A SLP will help you with specific speech exercises to improve your speech and language patterns!


Swallowing difficulties, known as dysphagia, can be a challenge for stroke survivors. Dietitians collaborate with speech and language pathologists to develop modified diets and textures that ensure safe and enjoyable eating experiences while meeting nutritional needs.

Fun fact: the brain is only 2% of our body weight but uses 25% of our daily calories... we need to fuel the brain properly to optimize our work we're doing during the 16 weeks together!


The physiatrist collaborates with our interdisciplinary team, including physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, and other healthcare professionals, to design a comprehensive and cohesive treatment plan tailored to the specific needs and goals of the stroke survivor.

Think of the physiatrist as the Quarterback of our team. They will give specific recommendations and help all our other professionals to create a plan that serves you best!